Phase three

Single parenthood affects a child in a lot of ways.From affecting their behavior to their future success in life, this topic needs to be looked at more. What are the effects of single parenthood on the growth and development of children? Many kids who grew up with single parents struggle in life and don’t have a successful future.Also, many kids that grow up with single parents have behavioral problems. Let’s see how single parenthood takes a toll on their children’s development. 

How single parenthood affects the success of their children Since there’s only one parent, providing that family will most likely be in poverty gives that family economic and social disadvantages. Also, having one parent increases the chance of the kid getting into trouble. In Li, Qin. “Mothers Left Without a Man: Poverty and Single Parenthood in China.” It says, “​​Due to the intergenerational transmission of economic disadvantage and social status, their children are also more likely to live in poverty when they reach adulthood.” This already makes the child’s life harder because he doesn’t have the money to help get proper education like a computer is needed for school. Education is one of the gateways to having a successful life. McLanahan, Sara, and Gary D. Sandefur. Growing up with a Single Parent : What Hurts, What Helps? “Harvard University Press, 1994.” It says, “Having another parent around who cares about the child increases the likelihood that each parent will “do the right thing” even when otherwise

inclined Children raised in a single-parent household are more likely to make poor choices. This can lead to multiple negative outcomes, such as prison. Having a kid growing up in a single parent household puts them at a social and economic disadvantage, which hurts the child’s ability to have a successful future. 

How does single parenthood affect their child’s education? Studies have shown that single parent households have a negative effect on their kids’ education. Wang, Miao, and Steven Sek-Yum Ngai. “The Effects of Single Parenthood on Educational Aspiration: A Comparative Study of Children in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.” It says, “Past research has also found that single parenthood can have negative effects on children’s educational achievement.” A study shows that kids from single-parent households are most likely to not graduate from high school and higher education. Wang, Miao, and Steven Sek-Yum Ngai. “The Effects of Single Parenthood on Educational Aspiration: A Comparative Study of Children in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong,” it says ” that children from single-parent families are less likely to graduate from high school or perform well academically, compared to children from two-parent homes. Studies were able to show that children of single parents have rough times in their development because having one parent affects their education, which is very important. The education of children raised by single parents suffers.

How do single-parent households affect children’s behavior? Studies show that there’s a higher chance of several behavioral difficulties. In Ricciuti, Henry N. “Single Parenthood, Achievement, and Problem Behavior in White, Black, and Hispanic Children.” it says “in a recent Swedish study, increased risk of health and severe behavioral difficulties”. This is very negative for a child’s development, and this can lead to other negative outcomes in the future. In Marnie Kunz’s “The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child’s Behavior,” it says, “research compiled by the University of Washington’s West Coast Poverty Center.” Living in poverty is stressful and can have many emotional effects on children, including low self-esteem, increased anger and frustration, and an increased risk of violent behavior. So being in a single parent household most likely means you are in poverty, which leads to many mental problems for a kid to handle and can cause many negative outcomes in the future.

I want to use myself as first-hand evidence as I’ve been living a good amount of time in a single parent household. From first-hand experience, having a single parent household makes it harder for me. My mom would have to work a lot, and I didn’t really have a father figure in my life. So, going through puberty was very hard for me because I had no father to give advice on life. Such relationships show me their way to becoming a man. I was going through depression and I had anger issues from 5th grade to 8th grade. So it definitely affected me emotionally. It also affected me financially because I had a very big family and we only had one income, which was from my mom, so I couldn’t have certain things. So, living in a single-parent household definitely affects children growing up in it.